South Sudan: protecting tribal wealth

05-05-2011 FilmRef. VF-CR-F-01084w2

Life without cattle for people in South Sudan is impossible to imagine. Cattle is currency and for the Murle, a pastoral tribe, they are their only source of livelihood. But this livelihood is increasingly threatened from drought, disease and conflicts over migratory routes and grazing land. The ICRC is working with government and local partners to vaccinate 100,000 cattle belonging to the Murle in Pibor County, Jonglei state.

Southern Sudan tribeman vaccinating cattle
  • Copyright: ICRC
  • Release year: 2011
  • Production locations: South Sudan
  • Running time: 4'20 minutes
  • Languages available: Français, Anglais
  • Price: CHF 2.-
  • Reference: VF-CR-F-01084w2