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Libya: ICRC delivers emergency supplies to Tripoli hospitals

22-08-2011 News Release

Tripoli/Geneva (ICRC) – As Libya’s armed conflict continues, with fierce fighting in the capital's streets, the ICRC has started distributing medical and surgical kits to some of the city’s main hospitals.

“Today, our team started providing medical facilities, including the Abu Slim Trauma Centre, with some of the supplies they need in order to treat casualties. We are delivering enough medical supplies to treat at least 300 casualties. The consignments include surgical kits, dressing materials and intravenous fluids,” announced George Comninos, the ICRC's head of delegation in Tripoli.

“In one of the hospitals we visited today, only one doctor was left to look after 25 patients, including 15 seriously wounded,” added Comninos. “We are mobilizing a complete surgical team to support the medical staff and help hospitals cope with the situation.”

The ICRC is maintaining regular contact with the main hospitals, so that the organization can evaluate their needs and respond accordingly.

"So far, we only have limited access because of the fighting. However, we have managed to maintain dialogue with all parties ever since the beginning of the conflict, so we are able to operate despite the highly fluid front lines,” explains Comninos.

“It is still difficult to get a clear picture of the overall humanitarian situation. We continue to urge both sides to respect civilians and to let medical workers treat the wounded.”

The ICRC has had a permanent presence in Tripoli since mid-April. The organization is currently operating in Tripoli, Benghazi, Misrata and Jadu in the Nafusa mountains.

For further information, please contact:
Robin Waudo, ICRC Tripoli, tel: +881 622 435 156 or +218 913 066 198
Dibeh Fakhr, ICRC Benghazi, tel: +870 772 390 124
Christian Cardon, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 79 251 93 02 or +41 22 730 20 11