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Libya: over a hundred surgeons to hone skills

12-12-2011 News Release 11/257

Tripoli (ICRC) – More than 100 surgeons will enhance their skills treating gunshot- and blast-wounded patients in a seminar that will be held at the Abu Salim Hospital in Tripoli from 12 to 14 December. The training is being co-organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Ministry of Health.

"After having treated so many patients with weapon-related injuries, often with limited means, Libyan doctors appreciate this opportunity to interact with experienced trauma surgeons from the ICRC," said Aziz El Bakush, the director for international relations at the Ministry of Health. "The knowledge and advice acquired at this seminar will be useful in treating all trauma patients, not just those who suffered injury in connection with the recent conflict."

"This seminar is important for the doctors who, very recently, faced so many difficulties treating patients wounded by bullets or shrapnel, and who had to deal with a lack of drugs and a shortage of medical staff," said ICRC chief surgeon Marco Baldan. "The aim is to enhance their capacity to meet medical needs specifically resulting from armed violence, such as treating complex injuries and weapon wounds and controlling infections."

The ICRC conducted similar workshops in Benghazi, Tripoli and the Nefusa Mountains earlier in 2011. It has long-standing expertise in treating war-wounded patients.

For further information, please contact:
Soaade Messoudi, ICRC Tripoli, tel: +218 913 066 198
Soumaya Beltifa, ICRC Benghazi, tel: +870 772 390 124 (ext. 250) or +218 9 923 304 560

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