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Rwanda: ICRC renovates shelter for over 300 children

04-08-2011 News Release 159/11

Kigali (ICRC) – The renovation funded by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) of a shelter for children separated from their families has just been completed. Over 300 children will have better living conditions in the shelter in Rusayo, in the Gashonga area of Rusizi district in Rwanda's Western Province. An inauguration ceremony was held at the shelter today.

"The work that has been completed will enable the children in the shelter to sleep well and to continue their education in a suitable environment," said Cisse Tanja Timora, an ICRC delegate in Kigali who traces missing relatives with the aim of reuniting families, at the ceremony. Since 2009, nearly 70 children separated from their parents by armed conflict have been among those accommodated in the shelter while the ICRC traced their families.

The renovation work took almost eight months to complete. The dormitories and beds were upgraded, as were the kitchens. In addition, the ICRC provided school materials and kitchen and cleaning utensils.

The inauguration was attended by a representative of the minister of gender and family promotion, the ICRC tracing delegate, the district mayor, those in charge of the shelter, people living nearby and the children themselves.

In 2009, the ICRC built a basketball and volleyball court for the shelter in addition to providing materials for the children.

For further information, please contact:
Ibrahim Dukuze, ICRC Kigali, tel: +250 788 75 81 17
Emmanuel Kagimbura, ICRC Kigali, tel: +250 788 40 59 58

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