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Guinea-Bissau: visit to 38 military detainees

10-01-2012 News Release 12/02

Bissau/Dakar (ICRC) – Between 30 December 2011 and 6 January 2012, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) visited 38 military personnel arrested in connection with disturbances in Guinea-Bissau on 26 December.

"The visits took place in Mansoa military prison and at Armura air base in Bissau," explained Alfa Djalo, the ICRC staff member who conducted the visits. "Observations concerning the conditions of detention and the treatment received by the detainees were conveyed confidentially to the detaining authorities." Essential relief supplies were provided for the detainees.

The ICRC has been working since 1998 in Guinea-Bissau, where it provides protection and assistance for victims of various situations of violence.

For further information, please contact:
Dénes Benczédi, ICRC Dakar, tel: +221 77 529 71 45 or +221 33 869 14 40