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South Sudan: fighting in Pibor leaves many wounded and displaced

06-01-2012 News Release 12/03

Juba/Geneva (ICRC) – Intercommunal violence in Pibor County, Jonglei State, has left thousands of people displaced and many wounded. The ICRC is working with the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) to help health facilities cope with an influx of casualties.

"Juba Teaching Hospital is treating around 100 casualties, with more expected. We have supplied the hospital with drugs and surgical dressings, while the SSRC has donated mosquito nets, blankets and other items,” said Michela Telatin, who heads the ICRC delegation in Juba. Meanwhile, an ICRC surgical team based in Malakal Teaching Hospital has been treating people injured in nearby fighting, including the mid-December clashes in Atar and now the violence in Pibor.

People are slowly returning to Pibor town, but many have fled into the bush and are still there. "It is extremely difficult to reach these people as there are virtually no roads or airstrips. They may well be lacking even the most basic of supplies and services. We urge the authorities to continue their efforts to guarantee security in the area and to help the population affected by the fighting," explained Michela Telatin.

ICRC operations in South Sudan focus on helping the victims of armed violence. One priority in Pibor will be to help reunite families separated by fighting, with the SSRC confirming that there are some 20 children in the town without their families.

For further information, please contact:
Ewan Watson, ICRC Juba, tel: +249 912 178 946
ICRC Geneva, +41 22 730 34 43