• “I couldn't afford to study this year," says 15-year-old Darlyn. “So it was a blessing when the Red Cross gave me a grant to train as a beautician." She had always dreamed of becoming a beautician but thought it impossible. “I never told anyone about my ambition because courses were so expensive and my family simply didn't have the money.” The course has turned her life around. “Now I know I can make my dream come true, if I put my mind to it,” she says. “Before, I was very cut off from other people. Through the course, I've made friends and gained self-confidence."
      © ICRC / O. Moeckli
  • Darlyn habla con Soarih, psicóloga de la CRG.
    • Darlyn talks to Soarih, a psychologist from the Guatemalan Red Cross. A psychologist on the Red Cross team offers support to those who need it. Darlyn says that talking to her was a great help. “Last year, I was in a bad way,” she says. “I felt lonely and overwhelmingly sad, like an empty shell. I also had a lot of problems with my parents. The psychologist encouraged me to keep going, for the sake of my future. She helped me understand that you have to start doing things for yourself.”
      © ICRC / O. Moeckli
  • Darlyn en casa con su madre.
  • Darlyn hace manicura a un cliente.
  • Moisés con un cliente, en el salón que abrió en su casa.
  • Moisés empezó a dar clases de cocina a diez de las chicas del curso de belleza. “Primero van a hacer solo postres y pasteles. La idea es que los salgan a vender, para poder comprar el material para abrir un salón.

    Moisés has started giving cookery lessons to 10 of the girls on his beauty salon course.

    “We are just making desserts and cakes to begin with,” he says. “The idea is that they can go out and sell what they've made, earning the money they need to buy materials and open a salon. It's one of my dreams to help these girls,” he adds. “I want them to fight for their own salon!”

    When news got around that Moisés was giving cookery classes, several women from the neighbourhood asked if they could join in. He now has 20 students.

  • Moisés' father, a tailor, working in his shop.
  • Roxana out and about in Santa Isabel II.
  • Roxana at home with her son and mother
  • Roxana at home with her husband and son.

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