• AMANDLA EduFootball’s Night League, known as the Crime Prevention League throughout the community is the first of its kind in South Africa.
    • AMANDLA EduFootball’s Night League, known as the Crime Prevention League throughout the community is the first of its kind in South Africa. The League plays at a lighted field in Khayelitsha from 8 pm to midnight on Friday nights. On average, there are more than 150 participants, 16-30 year-old young men.A DJ and 4 five-a-side matches constantly running on the field creates a positive atmosphere. Incidents of violence on the field were eradicated through a fairplay points system, where teams are awarded for good attendance, behaviour, and, even, contributions to the community. Besides the individual impact on the participants, the night league contributes immensely to promoting a peaceful environment, making the community a safer place on weekends.
      © AMANDLA EduFootball / Georg Höfer
  • Lukholo (24) is one of a few young people growing up in Khayelitsha who have overcome the challenge of unemployment. He works for a bus service in Cape Town. In his free time he is regularly seen at the field on Friday nights as manager of the team Umlilo. “This project has done a lot to reduce crime in the area. My personal vision is that the whole of Khayelitsha will be crime-free one day.”
    • Lukholo (24) is one of a few young people growing up in Khayelitsha who have overcome the challenge of unemployment. He works for a bus service in Cape Town. In his free time he is regularly seen at the field on Friday nights as manager of the team Umlilo. “This project has done a lot to reduce crime in the area. My personal vision is that the whole of Khayelitsha will be crime-free one day.”
      © AMANDLA EduFootball / Mark Wessels
  • Nosipho (18) was the first girl to be selected for the AMANDLA Youth Leadership Programme. She took the initiative to recruit other girls from Khayelitsha to form the first AMANDLA Girls Team from the township.
  • 14-year-old Kwanele says, I feel safe at the field, but outside there are a lot of wrong things. There are no drugs and knives here at the field, but outside there are gangsters who say to me Come, you must smoke, but I say ‘No, you must come and play football.
  • AMANDLA continues to improve the quality of football, instruction, and referees in order to maintain strong attendance, while dealing with critical developmental issues of the vulnerable youth involved.

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