During the first six months of 2022, ICRC continues its activities aimed at helping people living in conflict-affected areas in Azerbaijan. Diverse range of activities were implemented to provide humanitarian protection and assistance to those in need.

Risks associated with landmines and unexploded ordinances constitute a serious challenge for those who reside or work in conflict-affected areas. ICRC carries-out numerous activities to increase awareness on mine risks and weapon contamination.

More than 5,000 individuals from 28 affected communities, and more than 300 workers from various entities operating in the contaminated territories have benefitted from sessions on risk awareness and safer behavior (RASB).

More than 300 individuals received assistance to support their livelihood. 357 persons with complex trauma benefitted from mental health and psychosocial support provided by the ICRC. Within the Access to Education program, 215 children from 5 conflict-affected communities received toys and play materials.

To support relevant authorities in the clarification of the fate and whereabouts of those who went missing in relation to the conflict, the ICRC has collected 700 biological reference samples from 303 families of missing persons. Throughout the process 47 family members have received psychosocial support from the ICRC. Representatives of various governmental entities involved in the search for missing people have benefitted from relevant courses organized by the ICRC.

Dialogue with relevant authorities continued through the reporting period to promote international humanitarian law (IHL). More than 1,000 cadets and officers have participated in IHL related trainings organized by the ICRC. In collaboration with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRCS), ICRC has provided trainings to dozens of the AzRCS volunteers on various topics.

Below are some key figures covering January – June 2022.


ICRC Azerbaijan: Activity highlights Jan - June 2022

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