
Florence Nightingale Medal: Honouring exceptional nurses and nursing aides - 2017 recipients

Thirty-nine outstanding nurses from 22 countries have been awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal, which recognizes exceptional courage and devotion to victims of armed conflict or natural disaster. It also recognizes exemplary service or a pioneering spirit in the areas of public health or nursing education.

The recipients were nominated by their respective National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society and selected by a commission comprised of the ICRC, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Council of Nurses.

 Australie - Australia

 1. Ms Anne Carey
Registered nurse. Active in conflict and disaster situations, notably in the running of the Red Cross Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone.

2. Ms Catherine Fry
Registered nurse. Australian Red Cross health delegate. Active in conflict and disaster situations.

 3. Ms Ruth Jebb
Registered nurse. Australian Red Cross health delegate. Active in conflict and disaster situations.

 4. Ms Barbara McMaster
Registered nurse. Australian Red Cross health delegate. Active in conflict and disaster situations.

 5. Ms Catherine Salmon
Registered nurse. Australian Red Cross health delegate. Active in conflict and disaster situations.

Autriche – Austria

 6. Ms Annemarie Gigl
Registered nurse. Board member and volunteer at the Austrian Carers Association. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 Bosnie-Herzégovine - Bosnia-Herzegovina

 7 Mrs Ljiljana Gluhović
Registered nurse. Health Coordinator of the Red Cross of Republika Srpska (entity organization of the Red Cross of Bosnia-Herzegovina). Active in conflict situations and in the area of public health.

Chine – China

 8. Ms Xiuhua Li
Registered nurse. President of the Chinese Nursing Association (CNA). Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 9. Ms Hui Yang
Registered nurse. Vice President of 1st Hospital of Shanxi Medical University and Director of the Nursing Department of First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University. Active in disaster situations, and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 10. Ms Huiyun Yang
Registered nurse. Director of Nursing Department, 2nd affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Active in disaster situations, and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 11. Ms Li Yang
Registered nurse. Deputy Director of Nursing Department, Chinese PLA General Hospital. Active in disaster situations, and in the area of public health.

 12. Ms Yanling Yin
Registered nurse. Vice President of the hospital and Director of Nursing Department, 2nd Hospital of Jilin University. Active in disaster situations, and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 13. Ms Jianping You
Head Nurse of Department of Infectious Diseases in a hospital affiliated to the 3rd Military Medical University, Chongqing. Active in disaster situations, and in the area of public health.

Congo-Brazzaville - Republic of the Congo

 14. Mademoiselle Clarisse Evelyne Ngampolo
Infirmière diplômée. Infirmière sage-femme au centre Adultes de Moungali. Notamment active en situation de conflit.

Corée (République de) - Korea (the Republic of) - Corea (Républica de)

 15. Dr Cho Ja Kim
Registered nurse. Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University College of Nursing, Seoul. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 16. Ms Ae Joo Lee
Registered nurse. Consultant of the Hospital Nurses Association. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education. She was the first Member of Parliament with a career in clinical nursing.

Danemark - Denmark – Dinamarca

 17. Ms Nikoline Klausen
Intensive care nurse. Active in conflict situations, with MSF, and in the area of public health.

 18. Mr Lindy Øgaard Lillelund
Nurse anaesthetist. Active in conflict situations, with the ICRC, and in the area of public health and nursing education.

Espagne - Spain – España

 19. Señora Arroyo Gordo Ma del Pilar
Infirmière diplômée. Directrice de la revue Metas de Enfermería. Active dans l’enseignement des soins infirmiers et dans le domaine de la santé publique.

Etats-Unis d'Amérique - United States of America - Estados Unidos de America

 20. Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams
Registered nurse. Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Services. Active in disaster situations and in the area of public health.

Iran – Irán

 21. Mr Seyed Behzad Naghavi Chaleshtori
Registered nurse. Retired university professor of nursing, medical emergency and first aid. Active in conflict situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

Japon - Japan – Japón

 22. Ms Akiko Ito
Registered nurse. Deputy Director, International Medical Relief Department and Nursing Department, Japanese Red Cross Nagoya Daini Hospital. Active in disaster and conflict situations, and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

Liban - Lebanon – Líbano

 23. Madame Georgette Chléla
Infirmière enseignante, Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de la Croix-Rouge libanaise. Active en situations de conflit, et dans les domaines de la santé publique et de la formation aux soins infirmiers.

 24. Madame Nada Karanouh Baadarani
Infirmière enseignante, Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de la Croix-Rouge libanaise. Active en situations de conflit, et dans les domaines de la santé publique et de la formation aux soins infirmiers.

Libéria – Liberia

 25. Ms Roselyn Nugba-Ballah
Registered nurse of the Liberian Red Cross. Active in disaster situations.

Norvège - Norway – Noruega

 26. Ms Birgitte Gundersen
Registered nurse. Active notably with the ICRC, the Norwegian Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in disaster and conflict situations, and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

Nouvelle-Zélande - New Zealand - Nueva Zelanda

 27. Mrs Gail Ann Corbett
Registered nurse. Active notably with the ICRC and the New Zealand Red Cross in conflict situations, and in the area of public health.

 28. Ms Guru Dev Kaur Singh
Registered nurse. Active notably with the New Zealand Red Cross, the ICRC and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in disaster and conflict situations, and in the area of public health.

 29. Ms Barbara Fay Turnbull
Registered nurse. Active notably with the ICRC and the New Zealand Red Cross in situations of conflict, and in the area of public health and nursing education.

Philippines – Filipinas

 30. Mr Brian Kae Enriquez
Registered nurse. Acting manager of the Haiyan operations of the Philippine Red Cross. Active in disaster situations.

Pologne - Poland – Polonia

 31. Madame Anna Kaczmarczyk
Infirmière diplômée. Inspecteur sanitaire militaire, Centre de médecine préventive des armées. Active en situations de conflit.

Sénégal – Senegal

 32. Monsieur Boly Ameth Niang
Infirmier diplômé. Surveillant du service des maladies infectieuses et tropicales, Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann, Dakar. Actif en situations de catastrophes.

Suisse - Switzerland – Suiza

 33. Madame Eliane Affolter
Médaille remise à titre posthume.
Infirmière diplômée. Fut active en situations de conflits, et dans le domaine de la santé publique et de la formation aux soins infirmiers.

Syrie - Syria – Siria

 34. Mr Mohammad Abdulrahim
First Aid volunteer of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. Coordinator of Human Resources at the first aid squads of Damascus branch. Active in conflict situations and in the area of nursing education.

Thaïlande - Thailand – Tailandia

 35. Ms Kurima Chankaew
Senior Nurse Manager, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross, Bangkok. Active in situations of conflicts and in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 36. Mrs Pornpen Methajittiphun
Head Nurse of Outpatient Department, Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.

 37. Ms Narumon Promwa
Registered nurse. Head of Tepparat Thai RC Health Station. Active in situations of disaster and in the area of public health.

 38. Mrs Saowaluck Thanasirorat
Head Nurse of Thai Red Cross Health Station No 2, Bangkok. Active in conflict and disaster situations and in the area of public health.

Yémen – Yemen

 39. Mr Illias Manee al-Maidma
Emergency Team Member of the Yemen Red Crescent Society. Active in conflict situations.