
ICRC statement concerning abducted staff member in Yemen

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) would like to confirm that the video currently circulating in the media does indeed show its staff member, Nourane Houas. Nourane was abducted whilst on her way to work in Sana'a, Yemen, on 1 December 2015.

We implore her abductors to release her unharmed. We remain in regular contact with Nourane's family and also with the authorities concerned in and outside Yemen.

The ICRC wishes to refrain from speculating as to the identity of the abductors or making any further comment about the video. We are doing our best to ensure Nourane's safe return and it would not help to discuss details publicly.

The ICRC also asks the media and the public not to share the video any further, out of respect and consideration for Nourane and her family.

We appeal once again to those holding Nourane to show the compassion and respect for human dignity that is common to all of us, and to release Nourane unharmed.