
Jordan: Humanitarian response during 2017

In 2017, the ICRC in Jordan continued to adapt its humanitarian response to both the emergency and the chronic nature of the Syrian refugee crisis. In the reporting period, the ICRC carried out a wide range of activities aimed at supporting both refugees and communities hosting them, primarily with the Jordan Red Crescent Society (JRCS).

In northern Jordan, the ICRC improved people's access to clean water by rehabilitating water-supply networks and facilities (i.e. pumping stations), while in southern Jordan, it helped vulnerable people cope with their circumstances by providing food and hygiene items. The ICRC also launched small income-generating projects to help refugee female-headed households strengthen their self-sufficiency in a more sustainable manner.

To support the health care system in Jordan, the ICRC strengthened the capacity of selected medical facilities in responding to medical emergencies by providing materials, equipment and training.

The ICRC has also supported the JRCS in developing its emergency response and organizational capacities.

Meanwhile, the ICRC in Jordan continued to visit detainees, restore family links and promote respect for international humanitarian law (IHL), while delivering large-scale logistical support to the other ICRC delegations in the region.

Jordan Facts and Figures 2017

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