
Liberia: Improving living conditions for detainees

The ICRC continued to help Liberian authorities respond to humanitarian needs while strengthening the capacities of different national institutions.

In 2016, we visited detainees, distributed non-food items and provided clinics with essential drugs. Our teams also provided financial support to the families affected by Ebola and promoted international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles.

Highlights of our work in Liberia between January and August 2016

Visited 2,200 detainees to ensure decent treatment and improved living conditions
Helped restore family links with 280 phone calls to family members
4,060 people accessed water and improved sanitation through the construction of 11 wells
1,700 families affected by Ebola received direct cash support
965 security agency officers received basic first aid training


For more information, read the full update on our work in Liberia.

Liberia Facts and Figures - January to August 2016

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