In Armenia, the ICRC focuses on civilians living in exposed communities along the international border, missing people and their families, mine victims and people deprived of their liberty.

We also spread knowledge of the international humanitarian law among national authorities, academics and armed forces. Our key partner is the Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) with whom we coordinate activities aimed at assisting people affected by the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

In 2017, we prioritized two villages in the border region of Tavush, where socioeconomic situations are particularly challenging. Through a detailed survey, the ICRC and local Red Cross volunteers identified 57 vulnerable households who then received financial assistance to start small-scale businesses. Additionally, we provided multipurpose cash assistance to 19 extremely vulnerable families. We supported three border communities through rehabilitation of water supply pipelines, building of metal fencing for a water reservoir, and installation of technical components. We continued to construct safer spaces, wall in exposed windows and build protective walls for kindergartens, schools and other public buildings.

Part of this work was done thanks to the ICRC's new partnership with the ARCS and the German Red Cross.

Highlights of our work in Armenia in 2017
• 1,545 people restored or improved their access to water with the ICRC support for upgrading of water supply networks.
• 1,131 individuals benefited from reduced exposure to conflict-related hazards due to safer rooms, protective walls and closing-in of windows.
• 537 schoolchildren and 60 teachers were briefed about safer behaviour to adopt in case of shooting or shelling, as well as danger of mines and first aid basics.
• 315 people (76 households) in two border communities benefited from increased family income due to participation of a family member in projects, or received cash grants for immediate needs.
• 500 relatives of missing people were offered psychological support and problem-solving counselling.
• 205 members of the Armenian civil protection rescue service in ten border communities received first aid training and first aid kits.
For more information please read our overview of activities in 2017.

Activities in 2017

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