News release

Sri Lanka: Task force to address causes of prison overcrowding

Colombo (ICRC) – A task force that will include representatives of Sri Lankan government ministries was set up to analyse the causes of overcrowding and to recommend and implement measures to ease congestion in the country's prisons. This decision was taken during a High Level Round Table on the Legal and Judicial Causes of Prison Overcrowding organized in Colombo on 27 February.

"Overcrowding in prisons affects not just the prisoners, but also their families," said Sujeewa Senasinghe, deputy minister for Justice and Labour Relations, who was the Chief Guest at the round table. "To minimize overcrowding in prisons, steps must be taken to reduce the current prison population," he added.

The Task Force was established after key stakeholders brainstormed on the way forward during the round table, which was convened by the Ministry of Justice and Labour Relations, at the Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo. Participants at the round table came from the Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary, the Attorney General's Department, the Department of Prisons, the Police Department, the Legal Draftsman's Department and the Legal Aid Commission.

Justice Roberto Abad, retired Supreme Court judge from the Philippines, and attorney Rigor Pascual, who is currently attached to the Supreme Court of the Philippines, shared with participants their experiences in developing programmes to reduce prison overcrowding in their own country. Both were present at the round table at the invitation of the Ministry of Justice.

"The issue of overcrowding is not specific to Sri Lanka," said Cherine Pollini, head of delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Sri Lanka. "It is extremely encouraging that the authorities have recognized there is an issue of overcrowding in prisons in the country and have demonstrated their commitment to address it through inclusion in the National Plan of Action to Implement Recommendations of the Lessons Learnt & Reconciliation Commission and the National Action Plan for the Protection & Promotion of Human Rights."

The ICRC was an observer at the round table and will continue to facilitate the process and provide technical and logistical support to the Task Force.

The key note address at the event was delivered by Justice Buwaneka Aluwihare, Justice of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.

For further information, please contact:
Sarasi Wijeratne, ICRC Colombo, tel: +94 11 250 33 46 or + 94 773158844