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A regular donation enables us to rapidly swing into action in crisis situations and deliver aid where it is needed most. Thank you!

We process your personal data in accordance with our fundraising Data Protection Notice.

Your first monthly donation will be made today, and then on or just after the 25th of subsequent months. Your gift will not be made more than once a month.


It has been one year since the surge in hostilities in Sudan, families continue to endure a devastating humanitarian crisis marked by the mass displacement of millions. The conflict has had a profound impact beyond Sudan's borders, with hundreds of thousands of people seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Please give now to help protect and save lives.

How your donation will help people in Sudan:

The ICRC has been present in Sudan since 1978 and stands ready to respond to urgent humanitarian needs together with the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS). Our neutrality and impartiality give us access to support the most vulnerable people in war zones. Your support today can make a life-saving difference – protecting and saving the lives of victims of armed conflict and violence. 

Tax deductions on donations to the ICRC