Chronic Care in Humanitarian Crises



Speakers & panelists

Opening Remarks

Morten Jespersen

Ambassador, Permanent
Representative of Denmark to the
United Nations Office, Geneva

HE Ferozuddin Feroz

Minister of Public Health, Afghanistan

Ren Minghui

Assistant Director-General, Universal
Health Coverage, Communicable and
Noncommunicable Diseases, WHO

Esperanza Martinez

Head of Health, ICRC

Heiko Hering

Senior Public Health Officer, UNHCR

Ernest Massiah

Health Manager – Middle East & North
Africa, World Bank

Githinji Gitahi

Group CEO of AMREF Health
Africa and Co-chair of the Steering
Committee of UHC2030

Soraya Ramoul

Director, Access to Care, Novo Nordisk
Closing Remarks

Yves Daccord

Director-General, ICRC

Pablo Perel

Co-Director of the Centre for Global
Chronic Conditions, London School of
Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

About the event

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Danish Red Cross, Novo Nordisk, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Centre for Global Chronic Conditions, the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan and the Permanent Mission of Denmark to the UN in Geneva, wish to thank you for participating in the event "Partnering for Change: Chronic Care in Humanitarian Crises", held on 21 May 2019 during the 72nd World Health Assembly.

The side event brought together approximately 140 stakeholders from different sectors and disciplines around the common cause of finding solutions for providing access to NCD care for people living in humanitarian crises. As you heard from our speakers, this agenda needs to be emphasised. Providing NCD care in humanitarian crises is essential, and we need better tools to do so. Such tools can be achieved through partnerships across sectors.

Co-hosted by The Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations in Geneva,
The Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations in Geneva,
Danish Red Cross,
Novo Nordisk
and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Chronic Care in Humanitarian Crises - Panel Discussion (21 May 2019) from ICRC on Vimeo.

The health component of the humanitarian response to
emergencies has traditionally focused on management of acute
conditions such as trauma and infectious diseases. However,
NCDs are highly prevalent worldwide – and humanitarian crises
increase the risk of NCD exacerbations and impair the ability of
health systems to respond.

The Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda emphasises that all
individuals should have access to quality essential health services
without suffering financial hardship, and the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) call on all stakeholders to join forces to
create progress towards the SDGs - but how to do this in practice?


Summary of the Event Chronic Care in Humanitarian Settings

PDF file
1.02 MB


Date and time
Venue address


17 avenue de la paix, 1202 Geneva