Is there still a place for impartial humanitarianism?

United Kingdom

About the event

Speaker: Yves Daccord, Director-General, ICRC.

Where: Chatham House, London

When: 04.09.2014

Chair: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

Listen to an audio recording from this event on Chatham House's website:

Humanitarian organizations are not instruments of government, yet are viewed by some as hostile foreign entities acting as proxies for Western-guided foreign intervention. The International Committee of the Red Cross works in conflicts that are increasingly fragmented and volatile. Unexpected emergencies often unfold alongside protracted and complex armed disputes. At this event in September 2014, Yves Daccord considered whether this landscape leaves a space for principled, impartial humanitarian responses and how these could be effectively implemented.

Read an interview with Yves Daccord in the Chatham House publication The World TodayInterview: Yves Daccord (Volume 70, No. 5, October 2014)

Photo: Yves Daccord, left, and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, right. © Chatham House


Date and time