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8051 results found

Contracts & Administration Officer (French speaker)

32/F BDO Life Megaplaza, 358 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Philippines Open-ended Human resources The Contracts & Administration officer provides support and administrative services which has a …

Job offer

Israel and the occupied territories: ICRC warns of worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza

10-03-2025 Gaza (ICRC) – The ceasefire in Gaza has proven vital to saving lives, bringing in humanitarian assistance and sustaining the civilian population. However, Gaza's humanitarian crisis is far …

News release

ICRC Pre-hospital Emergency Care: Guidance for Managing Severe Bleeding

This publication provides guidance on how to treat patients who are bleeding, and specifically how to treat them in the unique circumstances in which the International Committee of the Red Cross …

ICRC Pre-hospital Emergency Care: Guidance for Managing Severe Bleeding

Advancing Protection of Health Care: Expert Meeting on the Regulation and Perception of Distinctive Emblems and Other Signs and Symbols Used to Identify Health-care Facilities, Vehicles and Personnel

This report summarizes the expert meeting on the regulation and perception of distinctive emblems and identification symbols for health-care facilities, vehicles, and personnel, held on 17–18 June …

Advancing Protection of Health Care: Expert Meeting on the Regulation and Perception of Distinctive Emblems and Other Signs and Symbols Used to Identify Health-care Facilities, Vehicles and Personnel

Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Living with the scars of conflict

A photo report by Hugh Kinsella Cunningham, recipient of the 2024 ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’Or In the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, war continues to leave deep scars — both physical and …

Law and policy topic
Grace, un niño de 10 años que recibió un disparo en la cabeza (de manos del grupo de rebeldes M23), está al cuidado de su hermano James después de su cirugía. Desde que resultó herido, Grace no ha vuelto a hablar.

ICRC Warns of Civilian Harm as Cluster Munitions Ban is Eroded

06-03-2025 Geneva, 6 March 2025 – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) deeply regrets the unprecedented withdrawal of Lithuania from the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which takes …

News release
Darwin. Cerca del cementerio militar argentino, la Oficina del Programa de Desminado de las Islas Falkland/Malvinas, un equipo de operarios en su mayoría de Zimbabue muy valorados por su larga experiencia, vuelan restos explosivos de guerra en una mañana helada. 35 años después del fin del conflicto, las minas antipersona, las municiones de racimo y otros artefactos siguen contaminando la tierra. Afortunadamente, ningún isleño ha sido herido hasta ahora. La operación de desminado concluyó con éxito en 2017.

Strengthening Respect for IHL: Building on Commonalities with Islamic Law

17-19 February 2025 The opening speech was given by Dr Gilles Carbonnier, ICRC Vice President,  at the 3rd International Conference on IHL in light of Islamic Jurisprudence, at the College of Sharia …

Law and policy topic
The 3rd International Conference on IHL in light of Islamic Jurisprudence  College of Sharia Sciences, Muscat, Oman,  17-19 February 2025.  Opening speech by Dr Gilles Carbonnier, ICRC Vice- President

Myanmar: Operational Facts and Figures – January to December 2024

In 2024, the humanitarian situation in Myanmar remained challenging.  Armed conflict escalated in several parts of the country and the ongoing situation forced people to be displaced and live in …

Myanmar Facts and Figures Jan - Dec 2024 cover

Reneging on cluster munitions ban endangers civilian lives and erodes IHL

The International Committee of the Red Cross deeply regrets Lithuania’s unprecedented withdrawal from the Convention on Cluster Munitions, effective 6 March 2025. In conflict zones, cluster munitions …

Law and policy topic
Kyiv, school. An ICRC staff member specializing in weapons contamination holds a risk awareness and safe behaviour session for children.

The humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons are beyond the capacity of any humanitarian organization to address effectively

Joint Statement of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, 3rd Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the …

Flags fly at the Mont-Blanc bridge in Geneva, marking the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.