
The ICRC encourages the armed forces to follow training on and abide by international humanitarian law (IHL) and supports the work of the National Committee for the Implementation of IHL.

British hospital ship carrying Argentine prisoners.

ICRC offices supporting the region

Our work in Uruguay is supported by our regional delegation in Brazil. For more information, check out the country page for Brazil. 

Contact us


SHIS IQ 15, set 05, house 23; Lago Sul, Brasilia


+55 61 31 06 23 50

Opening Hours:


Media contact

Sandra Lefcovich


+55 61 9 8175 1599

Our work with the Uruguayan Red Cross

In the regional delegation, cooperation work is based above all on providing support to the National Society to develop its capacities. Cooperation is an active part of the humanitarian response before, during and after emergencies or conflicts. Among our most important activities are responding to migration in the region, training first aid teams that work in dangerous areas and delicate situations, and strengthening accountability, transparency and financial sustainability mechanisms.