
South Africa: Facts and Figures 2023

ICRC meeting with Alvin Botes, Deputy Minister of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation and other partners on the sidelines of the 22nd IHL Regional Seminar

The year 2023 was marked by an increase in armed conflicts, not only in Africa but also globally, frequently raising concerns about respect for international humanitarian law (IHL). The resurgence of armed conflicts has had a devastating impact on civilian populations, increasing humanitarian needs in unstable environments, while funding for humanitarian activities continues to decline. Southern African region has not been spared, with several countries continuing to experience the effects of protracted armed conflict.

The effects of protracted armed conflicts, situations of internal violence and climatic shocks continue to affect communities in many countries, particularly in the East, Central and Southern Africa, causing movements of the most affected populations towards the south, looking for stability and economic opportunities. Reportedly, many people disappear on the migratory route or in destination countries. They are rarely found, due to dysfunctional identification systems.

Climate Change

Regarding climate shocks in Southern Africa, Malawi and Mozambique have been hit hard by floods, including the deadly Cyclone Freddy in February 2023. This has cost thousands of lives and displaced many families. In South Africa, several provinces affected by flooding suffered the destruction of essential infrastructure, worsening the situation of populations already facing socio-economic hardship.

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the four Geneva Conventions (GCs) of 1949. It is an opportunity to recall that the GCs are one of the cornerstones of IHL, the common heritage of States and of humanity, and to encourage States and other stakeholders to promote the GCS and IHL, to effectively limit and, where possible, eradicate the suffering of populations affected by armed conflicts.

Pretoria Regional Delegation

This article highlights activities carried out by the ICRC regional delegation in Pretoria in 2023. It includes stories and testimonies that illustrate our humanitarian diplomacy efforts and our work to promote IHL, protect family links (PFL) for separated and missing people with their loved ones, developing IHL, forensic and related medicolegal systems, strengthening partnership within the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to efficiently support National Red Cross Societies in responding to emergencies as well as the PFL needs of the affected populations. These inclusive and complementary humanitarian responses will continue in 2024.

Jules Amoti

Head of ICRC Pretoria Regional Delegation