
B, General services, 1917- ongoing, 3313 metres of shelf space

The records produced by ICRC services, secretariats and departments in Geneva have an index number starting with the letter B. Particular attention should be drawn to the records pertaining to conflicts in the 1930s – the Sino-Japanese war, the Second Italo-Abyssinian war, the Spanish civil war, etc – and to the Second World War and its aftermath. The ICRC archives from 1966-1975 cover a number of important historical events, including the Vietnam War, the Nigeria-Biafra War, the military junta in Greece, and the coup against President Allende in Chile.

The inventories listed below cover only part of the records in the B collection which are accessible to the public.

Inventaire du sous-fonds ACICR, B AG, Archives générales, 1951 – 1975, in French only

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8.87 Mo

Inventaire B COM BAH, Bureau des activités humanitaires, 1939-1966, in French only

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101.02 Ko

Inventaire B CR 00, Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, 1916-1951, in French only

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66.25 Ko

Inventaire B CR 110, Otages et détenus politiques, 1921-1945, in French only

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53.98 Ko

Inventaire B CR 123, Expulsion des Juifs, 1923-1939, in French only

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40.21 Ko

Inventaire B CR 163, Heimatlose (apatrides / Stateless Persons), 1926-1945, in French only

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41.25 Ko

Inventaire B CR 212, Guerre civile en Espagne, 1936-1950, in French only

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46.44 Ko

Inventaire B G 044, Otages et détenus politiques, 1939-1952, in French only

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120.76 Ko

Inventaire B G 059, Israélites, 1939-1961, in French only

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112.31 Ko

Inventaire de la série ACICR, B OP NBIA, Activités générales du CICR au Nigéria-Biafra (cellule), 1967-1970, in French only

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528.78 Ko

Inventaire B SEC CGSG, Commission de gestion des secours en Grèce, 1940-1946, in French only

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69.07 Ko

Inventaire B SEC DAS, Division d'assistance spéciale (DAS) / Special Relief Division, 1942-1946, in French only

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177.28 Ko