
C, Tracing and protection, 1870 - ongoing, 2298 metres of shelf space

The records of the tracing agencies set up by the ICRC between 1870 and the present day are grouped together in the section with an index number commencing with a C: Basle Agency (Franco-Prussian War), Trieste Agency (Russo-Turkish War), International Prisoners of War Agency (First World War), Spanish Service (Spanish Civil War), Central Prisoners of War Agency (Second World War) and the Central Tracing Agency (as from 1950).

In addition to general information on the activities of the tracing services, these records contain all the personal data gathered by the ICRC: lists, other documents containing names and alphabetical files.

Only two sub-collections in these records (C ESCI, Spanish Civil War, 1936-1940, et C PALE, Palestine, 1948-1950) and six series of C G2 sub-collections (Second World War) possess detailed inventories, which are available below.

Inventaire C ESCI, Guerre d'Espagne, 1936-1940, in French only

PDF file
174.67 Ko

Inventaire C G2 DP, Displaced persons (Personnes déplacées), 1939-1950, in French only

PDF file
41.58 Ko

Inventaire C G2 EXO, Alliés en mains japonaises, 1942-1948, in French only

PDF file
57.42 Ko

Inventaire C G2 FD, Service des familles dispersées (SFD), 1944-1946, in French only

PDF file
49.57 Ko

Inventaire C G2 IB, Service ibérique, 1939-1982, in French only

PDF file
60.51 Ko

Inventaire C G2 PA, Service «Immigration en Palestine» (IMPA), 1942 – 1983, in French only

PDF file
631.6 Ko

Inventaire C G2 PO, Papiers et objets de prisonniers de guerre, 1939-1945, in French only

PDF file
147.45 Ko

Inventaire C PALE, Palestine, 1948-1950, in French only

PDF file
76.75 Ko