Final environmental and social safeguard documents: Myanmar Community Assistance Livelihood Project (MCLAP) - December 2024
The Myanmar Community Assistance Livelihood Project (MCLAP) aims to build on the partnership between the ICRC and World Bank initiated in 2023.
The Myanmar Community Assistance Livelihood Project (MCLAP) aims to build on the partnership between the ICRC and World Bank initiated in 2023. The objective of MCLAP is to increase access of vulnerable populations to emergency assistance, basic services and livelihood opportunities in selected areas of Myanmar. ICRC interventions under the Project will support livelihoods support and small-scale infrastructure activities. The Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) outline the potential environmental and social risks linked to the project and appropriate mitigation measures. The final versions of the documents, integrating feedback received to date, can be found below:
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