
Facts & Figures: Red Cross Field Hospital in Rafah, Gaza Strip

The first confirmed case of polio in 25 years, as well as reports of other suspected cases emerging in Gaza, raises grave concerns about the public health impact of this prolonged armed conflict.

The Red Cross welcomed efforts to roll-out a vaccination campaign to ensure that the population of Gaza is protected against polio. From 5-8 September 2024, the Red Cross Field Hospital supported this effort by using the outpatient department (OPD) in Rafah as a vaccination point for the local health authorities, WHO and UNICEF. During this time, 1,180 children under 10 were vaccinated. While this is a welcome measure, the public health and sanitation situation in Gaza remains dire, and civilians remain at risk of multiple infectious diseases. 

Main statistics (since 9 May)


Consultations [1]

[1] Month on month percentage change compared to last month’s report i.e., 9 May – 10 August 2024 reporting period.








Recipients of MHPSS training/services [2]

[2] The figures are cumulative only from August to date. The support programme encompasses sessions for patients, caretakers, and responders (including psychological-first aid responders, in either groups or individual sessions. 

General Situation

Multiple evacuation orders are impacting patients and the field hospital staff, as well as their families. When Mass Casualty Incident protocols are not activated, the field hospital coordinates with other health structures e.g., the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis and Al Amal Hospital (Palestine Red Crescent Society) on cases that have been transferred or referred to each other to ensure continuity of care for patients. 

Patient Demographics

No. males <5   7%
No. male 5-14 12%
No. male 15-17 4%
No. male = > 18 30%
No. females <5 6%
No. female 5-14 9%
No. female 15-17 3%
No. female = > 18 29%

At the OPD, skin infections and acute respiratory infections make up the bulk of diagnoses; sporadic signs of malnutrition, Hepatitis A, and diarrhea are also reported. 


Since May 9, 1,444 surgeries have been performed, comprised of general surgical interventions (approx. 48%), removal of dead or infected tissue (approx. 36%), and others (16%). The most common surgical consultations were for explosive injuries and gunshot wounds. 


The average weekly fuel consumption is 2,000 litres; 60 barrels of medical waste incinerated; and 264 tons of raw water and 75 tons of drinking water utilized.

Map of the Red Cross Field Hospital 

Map of Red Cross Field Hospital

A Red Cross and Red Crescent response 

The Red Cross Field Hospital is implemented in coordination with the Palestine Red Crescent Society and supported by Red Cross Societies of Australia, Austria, Canada, China (Hong Kong branch), Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.