Data Protection Commission

Ensuring that the processing of personal data complies with our rules on personal data protection

Our Data Protection Commission

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is responsible for checking that the organization's processing of personal data complies with the ICRC Rules on Personal Data Protection and other applicable rules, and for making determinations on individuals’ rights when data protection cases are referred to it.

Proceedings against an ICRC processing operation may be brought before the DPC by the ICRC Data Protection Office (DPO) if a satisfactory solution cannot be achieved through the DPO’s intervention. If the DPO fails to refer the matter to the DPC, data subjects may also exercise their rights directly with the commission.
The DPC may also issue recommendations on data protection on the basis of the individual cases it handles, or on any matter on which its views are sought.

The DPC carries out its duties in full independence.

Members of the ICRC Data Protection Commission

Gérald Page - Chair

Mr Page studied at the Universities of Geneva and St Gallen. He is a founding partner at the law firm Page & Partners, specializing in data protection and privacy.

He is also university lecturer at the University of Geneva and a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School. As a university lecturer at the University of Geneva, Mr Page teaches law and litigation in management and security of information systems, data protection, e-commerce and international sales contracts.

In addition, Mr Page served as a judge in the Swiss federal data protection court and was a member of the federal justice department’s task force on the amendment of Swiss federal data protection law. He is also a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization’s panel of arbitrators on domain name disputes.

In September 2016, the ICRC Assembly appointed Mr Page chairman of the DPC for a term of four years, renewable once.

Alexis Keller

Mr Keller studied at the University of Geneva and Cambridge University and is a former fellow of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is currently a professor of legal history and legal theory at the University of Geneva and visiting professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

From 2002 to 2004, Mr Keller took an active part in the negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians that led to the Geneva Initiative. In April 2003, the Swiss foreign minister appointed him special representative for the Middle East peace process, a position he held until January 2004.

Mr Keller has written books and numerous articles on legal history, legal theory and European intellectual history. He is the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Paris (2005). In 2004, he was awarded the Condorcet–Raymond Aron Prize and the Sean MacBride Peace Prize for his efforts to promote peace in the Middle East. In 2002, he was awarded the Latsis Prize.

Mr Keller is a member of several academic societies and research institutes, both in Europe and the United States. He is the president of the Theology Faculty Board at the University of Geneva, a board member of the foundation Pro Victimis and a member of the Advisory Board of the International Center for Transitional Justice.

Maya Hertig Randall

Since 2007, Ms Hertig Randall has been professor of constitutional law at the University of Geneva and co-director of the certificate of advanced studies in human rights. She studied law at the University of Neuchatel and then received a doctorate from the University of Fribourg and a master’s in law from Cambridge University. Before joining the University of Geneva, she was assistant professor of European and international economic law at the University of Bern and was a visiting scholar at Central European University and the University of Michigan.

Ms Hertig Randall is widely published in English, French and German on human rights, comparative and international constitutionalism, federalism and the accommodation of diversity.

Since 2012, she has been a member of the Swiss Federal Commission against Racism.

Edouard Bugnion

Born in 1970 and raised in Neuchatel and Geneva, Mr Bugnion studied computer science at ETH Zurich and Stanford University, where he received a Ph.D. He spent 18 years in Silicon Valley, where he co-founded two start-ups and served as their chief technology officer: VMware and Nuova Systems (which was acquired by Cisco).

Mr Bugnion returned to Switzerland and joined the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2012, where he is a professor in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences. Since January 2017, he has been EPFL’s vice-president for information systems.

Mr Bugnion has received numerous awards for his contributions as an academic and an entrepreneur. He is a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW).

Mr Bugnion serves as an independent board member for Logitech and Innosuisse, the Swiss innovation agency.

Jean-Philippe Walter

Jean-Philippe Walter studied at the University of Fribourg, where he obtained a master’s and a doctorate in law. He is currently the deputy federal data protection and information commissioner in the Swiss data protection authority.

He has been working on data protection issues for more than 30 years, including as head of the data protection service of the Swiss Federal Office of Justice and as federal data protection and information commissioner ad interim. He has also authored several publications on data protection (both national and international) and access to information.

Mr Walter is also very active in the field of data protection at the international level; he currently chairs the French-Speaking Association of Personal Data Protection Authorities and is first vice-chairman of the Council of Europe’s Consultative Committee on the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (having served as chairman of the committee from 2000 to 2004 and from 2010 to 2016).