Data Protection in the Time of COVID-19

Happening now

Speakers & panelists

Keynote Speaker

Elizabeth Denham

Chair of the Global Privacy Assembly and UK Information Commissioner

Massimo Marelli

Head of Data Protection Office, ICRC

Christopher Kuner

Co-Director of the Brussels Privacy Hub and Professor of Law, VUB

Stuart Campo

Team Lead for Data Policy, UNOCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data

Carmela Troncoso

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Security and Privacy, EPFL

Gabriela Poller-Hartig

Head of International Relations, Austrian Red Cross

Christophe Fraser

Professor of Pathogen Dynamics, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

Gary Davis

Global Director of Privacy & Law Enforcement Requests, Apple

Sean Martin McDonald

CEO, Frontline SMS

Amrish Baidjoe

Research and Methodology Advisor, ICRC and Honorary Assistant Professor at the department of ID Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

About the event

For the release of the second edition of the Data Protection Handbook for Humanitarian Action, the ICRC has convened a panel of experts to discuss how, in today's technological landscape, data protection is a more essential concern than ever. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact societies worldwide, contact tracing apps are being developed in a bid to contain the spread of the virus. While arguably effective in this sense, such technologies also pose important questions regarding the relationship between public health, data protection and privacy.

The advantages of keeping track of people's contacts and interactions can be clearly traced back to the nature of the novel coronavirus, which spreads largely through direct contact with people affected and can go undetected for crucial days when people are asymptomatic. However, questions arise as to the effectiveness of available technologies to enable this network mapping, as well as to the proportionality of their use once they are set in place. They also present clear risks in terms of abusing the data produced, with consequences such as stigmatization, increased vulnerability and fragility, and discrimination, especially in contexts characterized by humanitarian emergencies.

The discussion

The event brings together specialists from the humanitarian, new tech, academic, legal, data protection and health sectors. The objective is to look at the dilemmas that an increasing digitalization of the COVID-19 crisis can bring, and at what measures can be taken to ensure that technology is a relevant contributor to the fight against the pandemic, not an additional risk factor.

The event will provide an expert discussion tackling the issue from different perspectives, from exploring why contact tracing is important in the fight against a pandemic to the requirements for a safer contact tracing solutions, and provide some concrete recommendations for humanitarian actors and actors working in emergency settings.


You can now download the Handbook here.


In partnership with the Brussels Privacy Hub 



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