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Armenia: ICRC oversees the release of 27 Azerbaijani prisoners

12-05-1995 News Release 95/16

Geneva (ICRC) - On 12 May 1995 the Armenian authorities released 27 Azerbaijani prisoners captured during the Nagorny-Karabakh conflict. This release was carried out under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). ICRC delegates had spoken with the prisoners individually beforehand to ensure that they had freely chosen their destination, and one delegate accompanied them from Erevan to Baku. Two other prisoners will be transferred to a place of their choice in the Russian Federation in the coming days.  Last week a sick prisoner was released and also repatriated with the assistance of the ICRC.

On 8 May 1995 the Nagorny-Karabakh authorities freed 15 Azerbaijani prisoners. Over recent weeks the Azerbaijani authorities have also released eight people captured during the same conflict. The ICRC assisted in each case.

The release of prisoners one year after the cease-fire agreement is an encouraging move. It is to be hoped that all those still being held in the context of the conflict will also be released soon.