
Register for the 15th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition Now!

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Tongji University (Tongji) are planning to co-organize the 15th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition (Mainland China Round) on November 26-28, 2021 at the Sipinglu Campus of the TJU. The registration begins now!

The deadline for the registration shall be September 5th, 2021 (Register here). The deadline for submission of memorials shall be 23:59 October 7th, 2021.

According to the Rules, if the number of Registered Teams exceeds 32, the Organizers shall conduct a pre-selection of the Memorials submitted by each team, and the top 32 teams from pre-selection shall be eligible to the Oral Hearings of this Competition, held at the Tongji on November 26-28, 2021. The members of each team, who are not able to advance to the Oral Hearings shall receive a certificate confirming their participation in this Competition.

Since 2007, the ICRC has cooperated with universities including Remin University of China, Wuhan University, Fudan University, Jilin University, Xiamen University, China University of Political Science of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sun Yat-sen University, Northwest University of Political Science and Law as well as Southwest University of Political Science and Law to hold IHL Moot Court Competitions, in an effort to encourage universities to integrate IHL into their curriculum and to arouse students' interests in IHL. In recent years, over 30 teams representing respective universities attend this competition annually. The Top 3 Teams from this Competition shall be sponsored to Hong Kong for the 20th Red Cross IHL Moot (An Inter-University Competition for Asia-Pacific Region). The Moot Problem of this year's competition was released at the end of July. The Organizaers shall invite experts of IHL and international law from various countries and regions to serve as judges.

The Organizers reserve all rights to change the contents of this Notice, the Rules and all arrangements of the 15th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition.

Should you have any questions, please consult Dr. LIU Xinyan, Legal Advisor at the ICRC Regional Delegation for East Asia via Email (


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Moot Problem

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