
Draft Principles on Stakeholder Interaction with Families of Missing Migrants

Call for comments

The ICRC Missing Persons Project, launched in 2018, is currently developing a set of guiding principles on interaction with families of missing migrants.

We invite all interested parties to submit their written comments on these guiding principles available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian.

All submissions:

  • Should be submitted electronically to this dedicated email address:
  • Should have, in the subject line of the email: Principles on Stakeholder Interaction with Families of Missing Migrants – comments
  • Should be in a single document of no more than two pages, and indicate exactly which paragraphs the comments pertain to
  • Must be in English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian.


  • Comments must be submitted by 15 April 2021.

About the ICRC Missing Persons Project

The Central Tracing Agency of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a longstanding mandate and 150 years of operational experience in tracing missing persons and reconnecting separated families. Convinced that a worldwide joining of forces is required to improve the global response to the tragedy of missing persons and their relatives, the ICRC launched the Missing Persons Project in 2018.

In partnership with other actors, this initiative seeks to bring together experts, family representatives and other key stakeholders from around the world in order to build consensus on best practices, promote existing technical standards and develop new ones, where needed.

See more: 

  • Missing Persons Project leaflet
  • Clarifying the fate and whereabouts of missing migrants: Exchanging information along migratory routes: publication

English - Principles on Stakeholder Interaction with Families of Missing Migrants

PDF file
355.94 KB

French - Principes relatifs à l’interaction des parties prenantes avec les familles de migrants disparus

PDF file
444.11 KB

Russian - языки Принципов взаимодействия с семьями пропавших без вести мигрантов

PDF file
419.08 KB

نيدوقفملا نيرجاهملا تلائاع عم ةحلصملا باحصأ لعافت ئدابم ةدوسم

PDF file
919.96 KB

Spanish - Principios sobre interacción de las partes interesadas con los familiares de migrantes desaparecidos

PDF file
242.2 KB