
Drops of hope: Improving water supply and sanitation in Kalilangan

Iligan: Regular and adequate supply of clean drinking water has long been a luxury that over 1,700 residents of far-flung Kalilangan village in Iligan could not enjoy. Facing frequent displacement because of a protracted armed conflict, the local communities typically relied on rivers, streams, unprotected springs and poorly functioning and deteriorated spring-fed gravity piped water supply systems for their daily supply of water.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), with the support of its partner, the Philippine Red Cross (PRC), carried out an array of projects aimed at improving the supply and quality of drinking water in the puroks (districts) of Poblacion, Unayan and Tamanan. The ICRC officially handed over the completed water supply systems to community leaders at the three sites today.

Residents of Purok Poblacion, for example, now have access to water 24/7. Major repairs were also done to the chamber that holds the spring water, thus improving the quality of supply.

Community members earned a living while working on the project in their puroks. They were provided with tools, training and technical support. Besides that, the ICRC has trained members of the local communities and donated some spare parts to ensure the upkeep and maintenance of the projects.

The upgraded water infrastructure is also set to improve the sanitary conditions in the area. In Poblacion and Unayan, the public toilet blocks built in 2021 by another organization are now connected to the water source and can finally be used by the residents. The PRC is also conducting a Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation programme in the three puroks.

Purok Poblacion: (L-R) PRC Iligan chapter administrator Genevieve Amodia, Barangay Kagawad of Kalilangan Range Ali, ICRC water and habitat programme manager in Iligan Marion Michele Hasse and Kagawad of Kalilangan Mohaimin Mansumayan cut the ceremonial ribbon of the tap stand in purok Poblacion that is part of the ICRC project to improve the water supply to three puroks of Kalilangan, on 13 September 2022. ICRC/M.Sandhu

Purok Poblacion 1: A community member of purok Poblacion washes her clothes at the tap stand inaugurated as part of the ICRC project to improve the water supply to three puroks of Kalilangan. ICRC/A.Sanggacala

Purok Tamanan: The two 5,000-litre water tanks that have been installed in purok Tamanan as part of the ICRC project to improve the water supply to three puroks of Kalilangan. ICRC/A.Sanggacala