
Ethiopia: ICRC broadens response to the humanitarian crises

Facts and figures: January to June 2021

In the first half of 2021, the ICRC's humanitarian activities mainly focused on responding to the humanitarian crisis caused by the fighting in northern Ethiopia and inter-communal clashes in other parts of the country.

Between January to June 2021, the ICRC responded to the humanitarian crisis in the Tigray region by distributing essential household items, seeds and fertilizers to affected communities, as well as constructing critical water infrastructure, supporting healthcare services and restoring contact between separated families.

At the same time, in other parts of the country, persistent communal clashes have left a growing number of people in dire need of basic amenities. ICRC has worked with those communities to understand and respond to their needs. Most of our activities are conducted in close partnership with the Ethiopian Red Cross Society.

The ICRC also works to promote knowledge and respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and cultivate acceptance for humanitarian norms and principles among security forces, academic circles, and other key stakeholders in Ethiopia.

The ICRC is present in Ethiopia since the beginning of the 1977 Ethio-Somalia armed conflict. Its main activities focus on helping people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence.

Highlights of our work in Ethiopia from January to June 2021


  17,919 detainees were visited in 32 places of detention across the country
About 68,000 refugees and returnees were able to contact their families through phone services
32 primary health care units and 24 hospitals in different regions of the country were provided with basic medical supplies, emergency weapon-wounded kits and personal protective equipment
Over 360,000 people benefited from household items, seeds, fertilizers and cash assistance
685,983 domestic animals belonging to 196,800 violence-affected semi-pastoral households were vaccinated
175,100 people benefitted from water and habitat projects
Enabled 4,636 people living with disabilities to access physical rehabilitation services
Supported the Ethiopian Red Cross Society in organizing First Aid and safe working training sessions to 438 volunteers, Red Cross staff and health professionals.

For a detailed report of our work in Ethiopia from January to June 2021, read the complete report.

Ethiopia facts and figures January to June 2021

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