
Jordan: First aid for Syrian refugees

Since the beginning of 2014, the ICRC has been providing practical First Aid training sessions for Syrian refugees residing in Zaatari Camp, Jordan's largest refugee camp. The sessions aim at acquainting Syrian refugees with basic lifesaving knowledge and skills to ensure effective response should domestic incidents occur in the current dire and challenging environment.

Giving First Aid, and encouragement

"Saving lives is very important," says Abdulbadih El Dada, the ICRC's First Aid delegate in Jordan, describing his typical day at the ICRC First Aid training facility at Zaatari Camp. El Dada dedicates his day to helping Syrian refugees adapt to their new environment through practical First Aid skills. The purpose is to encourage refugees to be confident in their skills and be capable of saving the lives of neighbours or relatives whenever the need arises. People often stop El Dada in the street to share with him proudly how they have succeeded in saving a life as a result of their training.