
Global Alliance for the Missing

The Global Alliance for the Missing is a group of states that aims to raise awareness of the issue of missing persons and separated families, influence responses to it and prompt action to address it.

Launched on 11 May 2021 on the margins of the 150th anniversary of the Central Tracing Agency by ICRC former president Peter Maurer and Swiss Secretary of State Livia Leu, the Global Alliance comprises on May 2023 twelve member states: Argentina, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Croatia, Estonia, the Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Peru and Switzerland.

Watch the video launch of the Alliance for the Missing at the 150th CTA Anniversary


The alliance aims to bring to bear the collective influence and diplomatic, political and financial capacities of states to improve the prevention of, and the response to, cases of separated and missing persons.

Collectively, the alliance will endeavour to:

  • raise awareness on the question of missing persons globally and regionally, including in its humanitarian and human rights dimensions, and develop links with peacebuilding, conflict prevention and sustainable development agendas
  • promote the implementation of global commitments relating to missing persons, such as UN Security Council Resolution 2474 (2019) on missing persons in armed conflict
  • promote collaboration and share best practices, guidance and technical recommendations to improve the prevention of, and response to, cases of missing persons at the national, regional and global level
  • ensure the Central Tracing Agency is sufficiently funded and equipped to develop guidance, research and innovative approaches, as well as to provide advice and support to states and other actors to prevent and respond to cases of missing persons.

Members of the alliance will achieve these goals by working together and making their case bilaterally to other governments and in multilateral forums.

For more information on ongoing activities of the Global Alliance click here.

Previous Event

The Global Alliance for the Missing was launched on 11 May 2021 on the margins of the 150th anniversary of the Central Tracing Agency. Find out more on our event webpage.