
Global Health Forum: ICRC session on universal health coverage for communities in highly challenging environments

On June 1st, 2021, the Second Conference of Global Health Forum (GHF) of Boao Forum for Asia opened in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. ICRC Vice President Gilles Carbonnier is expected to deliver a video speech at one of the plenary sessions.

The International Committee of the Red Cross will hold a session on "Universal Health Coverage for communities living in highly challenging environments: experiences and way forward" on June 3rd, as part of the 4-day event.

The session will be chaired by Luca Falqui, Health Coordinator of ICRC Regional Delegation for East Asia. Guest speakers invited to the session include:

  • SHAO Yiming, Chief Expert on HIV & infectious disease, China CDC (On-site)
  • Yu Xuefeng, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of CanSino Bio (On-site)
  • Rogier Janssens, Managing Director and General Manager, Merck Biopharma China (Online)
  • Klaus Schustereder, Medical Director, Health Care Centre Vevey/Switzerland and President, Physis Foundation/Switzerland
  • Maria Guevara, MSF (International) (Online)
  • Micaela Serafini, Head of Health Unit, ICRC (Online)

It is estimated that 22% of the global population live today in situations of fragility and in countries affected by conflict or violence. War, violence and persecution are driving nearly 80 million people to forced displacement. Multiple threats often emerge together. While implementing humanitarian health interventions, it should be ensured that the most vulnerable, such as women, children, elderly, patients with chronic conditions, persons with mental or physical disabilities, deprived of freedom, Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and refugees, as well as victims of violence and conflicts have guaranteed access to essential health services and continuum of care.

Based on humanitarian assistance and development, and the practical experiences of Chinese and international key institutions implementing Goals 2030 in vulnerable countries, this panel focuses on universal health coverage and aims to raise awareness among all concerned about the health situation in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

The GHF, established by the Boao Forum for Asia in 2018, is designed to be a comprehensive platform with high representativeness and authoritativeness in the health field for high-end dialogues and practical cooperation that integrates governments, businesses and higher education institutions based on its features and advantages. The first Conference of the GHF was held in June 2019 in QingDao, Shandong Province, China.

Themed "Health beyond Health - In the Year of Sustainable Development 2030" and with the goal of "Health for All" advocated by the United Nations and WHO, the GHF this year will bring together authorities, researchers, experts and entrepreneurs, etc. in the field of health around the world to hold talks on hot issues related to universal health coverage.

Two plenary sessions and a number of sub-forums will be held under the themes of "Universal Health Coverage," "Innovation" and "Health in All Policies." A variety of events will also be held during the conference, including the Dialogue between Ministers and Entrepreneurs, Health Technology Innovation Exhibition and Global Health Expo.