
Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation launched

The ICRC is proud to present the "Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation" (GPHI2). The mandate of the GPHI2 is to promote innovative solutions to humanitarian challenges, by harnessing the creative capacity of ICRC partners to help conflict victims.

The GPHI2 brings together partners from the corporate sector, academia, research institutes, and leading humanitarian agencies from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and beyond. It gathers thought-shapers and innovators from a broad range of sectors around one common purpose: improving the impact of humanitarian action.

The official launch of the GPHI2 took place at a kick-off event held at IMD in Lausanne on 16 October 2014. More than an event, this was the start of a process. The objective for the months ahead is to build on the momentum that has been generated in order to promote synergies between participants and identify practical ways of increasing the impact of humanitarian action.

A number of follow-up initiatives are already underway. We'll be sharing a full update on these initiatives on the GPHI2 blog before the end of this year.

The GPHI2 blog is also the place to find out more about  the Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation.