
Greece: Prioritizing the wellbeing of migrants in detention

In October 2021, the ICRC organized workshop sessions for detention staff of three pre-removal migrant detention centres (PRC) and staff members from the health teams working in the respective places of detention.

Each week, the ICRC Detention team, supported by a prison systems adviser (PSA) from Geneva, carried out detention visits to 3 places of administrative detention of migrants, namely Tavros PRC, Amygdaleza PRC and Fylakio PRC. After the visits, workshops were held for the detention staff and the health teams of each PRC. These workshops were attended by over 170 staff members.

The workshops were focused on developing the knowledge and practice of police staff in migrant detention centres. They looked at the important role of police staff in ensuring humane and safe conditions of detention of the migrants detained under their responsibility and were marked by encouraging participation. The ICRC health in detention team also successfully piloted an additional afternoon workshop for the healthcare staff in Fylakio PRC.