
Show your support for the people of Afghanistan – and ICRC work around the world

The ICRC has been present on the ground in Afghanistan for 35 years. We are working closely with the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Present and active in Afghanistan's 34 provinces through a wide network of local branches, volunteers and health facilities, ARCS reach every year more than 10% of the Afghan population through principled humanitarian action. It has built trust and acceptance across the lines of conflict and with the Afghan communities they belong to. 

This period of uncertainty is difficult for the Afghan people, and the ICRC to predict the outcome of. The ICRC is committed to stand by the Afghan people and help men, women and children cope with the unfolding situation. 


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Worldwide, the ICRC has 17780 field staff on the ground in over 100 countries (2020). Our work covers a wide range of programs, from Economic security, Protecting the Vulnerable and Promoting the Law, to First Aid & Hospital Care as well as Restoring Family Links and Forensics. In 2020, we spend 1.69 Billion Swiss Francs in field expenditure, out top seven operations being Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Iraq. Nigeria, Congo and Afghanistan.


Three Good Reasons to Support the ICRC

1. Our historic mandate: The ICRC is a neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian organization whose mandate is to protect and assist victims of armed conflict. States conferred this mandate on the ICRC in the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols

2. We talk to all sides of conflict. Why? Because it saves lives: Speaking to armed groups helps us safely reach vulnerable communities and remind armed groups they must respect schools, hospitals and health workers. We can insist civilians are protected and detainees will be treated well, and we can ensure we are accepted as a neutral and impartial organization. 

3. We deliver results: Over 4 Million people received food or assistance to buy food, over 34 Million people got clean water, proper sanitary facilities or assistance improving their living conditions. In health care, 599 hospitals received supplies and other assistance, including 101 hospitals reinforced with, or monitored directly by ICRC staff, where 132736 operations were carried out and over 4 Million consultancies took place. Among other, we also reunited 1049 people, including 892 children with their families and visited 1043 places of detention.

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