
ICRC 2020 Photo Competition: Hope in the shadows of COVID-19

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is delighted to announce the 2020 edition of its annual photo competition. This year, we seek to shed light on how COVID-19 has changed the lives of Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank through remarkable photo stories by talented local photographers.

We have been hearing of how COVID-19 has affected all areas of our lives. This “new normal” is anything but that. Routines are different, social norms have altered, priorities have shifted, and some might even say, people have changed. Though no one has been able to escape the effects of this global health-care crisis, there are many who have shone through with their resilience. Indeed, they have demonstrated that hope really does spring eternal in the human heart.

For this year’s photo competition, we are seeking photo stories that reflect this very hope. So, put on those lenses of creativity and humanity and send us your most moving images of 2020.

Photostory requirements:

  • The story has to depict a clear idea, emotion, or event with outstanding use of the creative thought process.
  • The story must consist of three to five single images with suitable captions reflecting the subject of the competition.
  • Stories must be submitted by the author.
  • Stories must comply with the ethical standards of photojournalism and depict their subjects in a respectful and dignified manner. Consent must be obtained from the people portrayed. Any photo story lacking the consent note will not be considered. 
  • Images can be edited for color and contrast and cropped to improve composition. They must not be edited in any way that could misrepresent what they are depicting.
  • There must be a suitable one-word title for the story.
  • The story narrative must be limited to 250 words only.


Competition Rules and regulations

Who can participate? And how?

  • The competition is open to all Palestinians residing in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (East Jerusalem included).
  • The competition is open to professional and non-professional photographers.
  • The deadline for entries is 22 November 2020.
  • By submitting an entry, the photographer grants non-exclusive publishing rights for the submitted photograph/s to the ICRC. The ICRC reserves the right to use the contributed stories/photographs for print and digital publications, social media platforms and share them with its media partners for promotional purposes. 
  • Contributions must be submitted by email to, including the following:
    • A Word file including the story title, narrative, photo captions with photo codes.
    • Name of the photographer.
    • Contact number.
  • Photos should be submitted in the .jpeg format at about 72 DPI for the initial screening. Selected participants will be asked to send 300 DPI resolution versions of their images via WeTransfer.

Jury & Selection Process

The jury will consist of industry professionals with varied backgrounds and experiences. The selection process will run from 24 to 30 November 2020.

The winners would be announced during an online event and we will communicate about the same via our social media channels at a later date.

Selection and awards

Winners will be notified by email or by phone, approximately one week prior to the award ceremony. 

The top three winners will receive:

  • The first prize worth 4,000 ILS.
  • The second prize worth 3,000 ILS.
  • The third prize worth 2,000 ILS.

For more information, please contact us on email id: