
ICRC’s operational response to COVID-19: We’re all in this together

COVID-19 represents a dramatic threat to life in war-torn countries. The ICRC and its Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement partners exist for emergency situations like the COVID-19 pandemic; we have the expertise and are ready to help, especially in places other actors are not present.

Across the globe, we are all feeling the enormous impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the disease spreading rapidly, countries with weak health systems are likely to be under intense pressure, putting the lives of thousands of already vulnerable people in even greater danger.

Our appeal for 254 million Swiss francs will allow us to respond to this crisis as it evolves, and to continue our other activities, many of which are enablers of the local responses to the crisis.

Where people will suffer the deepest needs over the coming weeks, the ICRC is already there, acting to strengthen resilience and prepare for the worst.

Many countries today are facing humanitarian emergencies or instability because of armed conflict and violence and at the same time are challenged now with the spread of COVID-19. For those with limited capacity to respond to this urgent threat, the responsibility lies with the international community to step up its response.

With health systems and other vital infrastructure already ravaged by war, COVID-19 is one additional dramatic menace, putting the lives of thousands of already vulnerable people in even greater danger. ICRC

The ICRC will address the consequences of this crisis by focusing on regions and communities in which it can have the most impact, working with vulnerable people and in places that others are unable to access. We are already adapting our operational response in specific contexts and areas including detention, and displacement camps as well as supporting health services. At all times, the ICRC will ensure complementarity with other components of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and the broader international response of the United Nations.

We also look to governments, as our partners, to support effective humanitarian response by incorporating – within your own response to the COVID-19 crisis – clear and proportional safeguards that enable local and international humanitarian actors to provide essential assistance.

ICRC President Peter Maurer's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

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COVID-19: A global crisis requiring a global response

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