
Views and recommendations of the ICRC for the Sixth Review Conference of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons

The Sixth Review Conference of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), to be held from 13 to 17 December 2021 in Geneva, is a key moment for High Contracting Parties to take stock of, and build on, the important role the CCW has played in minimizing suffering in armed conflict, in order to ensure that the CCW remains fit for purpose as warfare evolves.

To uphold and progressively strengthen protection for victims of war, and for the natural environment upon which they depend, the CCW needs to be reviewed against prevailing humanitarian concerns, military weapons technologies and practices, and other relevant normative developments.

This working paper outlines the views and recommendations of the ICRC on issues of humanitarian concern relevant to the CCW, specifically: adherence to the CCW and national implementation; mines other than anti-personnel mines; incendiary weapons and weapons with incendiary effects; blinding laser weapons and other laser systems; explosive remnants of war; explosive weapons in populated areas; autonomous weapon systems; and review of developments in science and technology, and legal review of new weapons, means and methods of warfare.


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