
Jordan: ICRC response to needs from April to July 2017

The regional focus in the reporting period remained on the response to the cholera crisis in Yemen. It was channeled through the Amman-based regional Logistics Support Centre (LSC).

The Amman delegation's focus remained on supporting both refugees and local communities, in addition to protection-related activities.

 Some facts and figures:

  • 543 tons  of medical supplies were transported to Yemen from Jordan
  • 18,500  Syrians and Jordanians, in five governorates, received food and hygiene items
  • 376  Red Cross messages exchanged between detainees and their relatives in Jordan
  • 9,764 Syrians in Mafraq and Madaba received cash assistance
  • 4,190  phone calls were made by Syrian refugees in Zaatari and Azraq camps in order to maintain contact with their relatives

Click here for more detailed information about our response in Jordan.

Jordan: ICRC Response to needs from April to July 2017

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