
Kenya / Tanzania / Djibouti: Refugees made 241,000 calls to families in 2015

In 2015 the ICRC continued to help hundreds of thousands of people reconnect with their families following refugee influx in Tanzania and Djibouti.

We provided economic support to people directly or indirectly affected by situations of violence in Kenya and provided training on IHL in all three countries.

Highlights of our work in Kenya, Tanzania and Djibouti in 2015

  241,000 free phone calls made by refugees in Kenya, Tanzania and Djibouti seeking to contact their families
   26,500 Red Cross Messages were exchanged by refugees sharing family news
   40 youth received vocational training
   74 widows benefited from conditional cash grants to start income generating activities
   930 detainees were visited in places of detention
   19 prisoners of war were visited
   470 police officers benefited from IHRL and humanitarian principles training
   253 members of the armed forces benefited from IHL training


For more information, read the full update on our work in Kenya, Tanzania and Djibouti.

Kenya / Tanzania / Djibouti: Facts and Figures for 2015

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