
Kuwait supports ICRC operations in Bangladesh with 1 million USD

On 26 January 2022, the ICRC Regional Delegation in Kuwait signed a grant agreement with the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) for 1 million USD to support humanitarian assistance in Bangladesh. Contributions will go towards ongoing ICRC operations in areas of health, water, habitat, and economic security in order to improve everyday living conditions for displaced communities in Cox’s Bazar.

"The signing of the agreement today signifies vital efforts by the ICRC, Kuwait Red Crescent Society, and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development to support humanitarian action worldwide,” explains Omar Odeh, ICRC Head of Regional Delegation for the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.

Dr. Hilal Al-Sayer, Chairman of KRCS Board of Directors, stressed the importance of meeting the urgent needs of displaced people from Rakhine, Myanmar in Bangladesh. “This agreement is a part of the humanitarian projects of KRCS and a continuation of the Kuwaiti humanitarian development mission,” he added.

Photo of the meeting between ICRC delegation in Kuwait and the Kuwaiti Red Crescent - Photo Credit: Kuwaiti Red Crescent 

The joint venture with Kuwait Red Crescent and Kuwait Fund also links to strategic discussions between the ICRC and the State of Kuwait at the High-Level Policy Dialogue. The dialogue takes place annually, and it focuses on strengthening collaboration in areas of mutual interest, in order to address the evolving humanitarian needs of communities affected by the consequences of conflict. The next dialogue is expected to be hosted by ICRC President Peter Maurer in Geneva in mid-2022.

"We are very grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for its pivotal role in making this strategic partnership happen. Together with Kuwait Red Crescent Society and the Kuwait Fund, we strive to intensify the support for the millions of people suffering from the consequences of conflict,” Odeh stated at the signing of the agreement.