
Kyrgyztan: Overview of ICRC activities in 2017

In 2017, the ICRC continued to help to improve the treatment and conditions of detainees in the penitentiary system throughout Kyrgyztan.

This also included tuberculosis treatment in three penal institutions. Together with the Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan, we provided first aid training to local communities. The ICRC experts provided a specialized training on dead body management for national authorities.

Highlights of our work in Kyrgyzstan between January and December 2017.

  • 96  detention visits to 38 places of detention were carried out by the ICRC staff. Over 360 detainees were followed up individually. 68 rounds of assistance, consisting of the most essential items for everyday use by detainees, were distributed to 32 places of detention.
  • Around 600 family members were provided with support to cover their travel costs to visit their detained relatives held in places of detention located far from their home.
  • 208 detainees received tuberculosis treatment under the ICRC's supervision.
  • 5,660 detainees were screened for tuberculosis in 8 detention facilities.

ICRC activities in Kyrgyztan in 2017

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