
Mali: Over 20,000 people received aid in the first half of 2018

From January to June 2018, the ICRC worked closely with the Mali Red Cross to distribute food and basic household necessities in northern and central Mali. More than 20,000 refugees, displaced people, returnees and people affected by natural disasters benefitted from the programme. Our teams also improved access to water and health services for people and livestock whose lives have been roiled by conflict, armed violence and drought.

Facts and figures – the ICRC's work in Mali from January to June 2018:

20,480 people (local residents, displaced people and those returning home) received rice, beans, couscous, salt and oil.
109 people wounded in the armed conflict or violent attacks were treated by ICRC surgical teams in Gao and Kidal.
53,000 people gained access to water thanks to water-supply infrastructure built or rehabilitated by our teams.
2,760,000 animals were vaccinated against the most prevalent contagious diseases during the 2017–2018 immunization campaign.
2,900 detainees in 14 permanent and temporary detention centres received visits.
7,000 farming families received aid to help boost their production.
5,600 people with disabilities received care in one of the four ICRC-supported physical rehabilitation centres in Mali.
872 members of the armed forces, security forces and armed groups participated in awareness-raising sessions about international humanitarian law.

Learn more about our activities in Mali in the first half of 2018.

Mali - Faits et Chiffres Janvier à juin 2018

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