
Improving livelihoods and access to health care in Mozambique

Mozambique facts and figures for 2017

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is active in Mozambique and working closely with the Mozambique Red Cross Society (CVM) to assist communities affected by armed violence. It maintains a dialogue with public authorities, armed groups and communities so that it can reach the most vulnerable with assistance and interventions that protect their lives and dignity.

In 2017, the ICRC in partnership with the CVM distributed essential household goods, farming tools, and agricultural inputs to people displaced by armed violence. Our teams improved access to safe drinking water for thousands and repaired ambulances to support health outreach activities.

As part of our efforts to promote international humanitarian law, the ICRC conducted dissemination sessions and trainings.

Highlights of our work in Mozambique in 2017.

Distributed essential household goods, farming tools, and agricultural inputs to 91,600 displaced people
Rehabilitated 3 clinics to improve access to health care for 74,000 people.
Provided access to safe drinking water for 36,000 people.
Conducted IHL dissemination sessions for 73 people at Higher Defence Studies Institute of Mozambique.


For more information, read the full update on our work in Mozambique.

Mozambique Facts & Figures 2017

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