
Myanmar: Facts and figures 2015

The ICRC as a neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian organizazion continues to help those affected by the armed conflict, other situations of violence and natural disasters where it has an operationel presence. Wherever possible, activites are carried out with its partner, the Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS).

Below is an overview of the ICRC's work in Myanmar during 2015.

50,000 people affected by the conflict in the northeast received emergency assistance (access to water, shelter, health-care, essentiel items) and/or cash to support their livelihood recovery.
120.000  people affected by severe floods in Rhakine State received water, sanitation, shelter, hygiene kits and/or to cash to support for their livelihood recovery.
15 hospitals in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan States enhanced the quality of their services thanks to ICRC financial, logistical and technical training support.
3,000 people with disability received prostheses and physical rehabilitation to improve their mobility. The construction of two new physical rehabilitation centres started in Kachin and Shan States.

30 places of detention were visited and their authorities were supported to improve living conditions (access to water, hygiene, health-care, and family contacts).

240 police officers and trainers improved their knowledges of international policing standards and 24 officers from Myanmar Armed Forces of international humanitarian law.

For more information, read the full update on our work in Myanmar.

The ICRC's facts & figures in Myanmar, 2015

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