
Nicaragua: Visits to places of detention

In view of information published in the last few days regarding the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Nicaraguan places of detention, we would like to state as follows:

Between 7 and 17 January, the ICRC carried out a number of visits to persons deprived of liberty in "La Modelo" and "La Esperanza" prisons and the "El Chipote" judicial support directorate.

These visits had the solely humanitarian purpose of preventing or responding to certain humanitarian issues that may arise in connection with deprivation of liberty.

As happens in connection with our visits to persons deprived of liberty in all countries where the ICRC undertakes this activity, a dialogue is taking place with the authorities responsible for these places of detention, and delegates' observations regarding the conditions of detention and the treatment of persons deprived of liberty will be shared exclusively and confidentially with those detaining authorities.