News release

Pakistan: Proper handling of the dead eases the suffering of the bereaved

Peshawar (ICRC) – Handling the dead with respect and dignity was the theme of a five-day course run by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which drew to a close today in Peshawar. The event was an opportunity to share best practices and highlight the importance of accurate identification.

Participants revisited their usual methods of dealing with dead bodies in the wake of natural disasters and violence. The best current practices were then discussed. The course brought together emergency responders from disaster management, law enforcement, hospitals and medical schools, the military, and non-governmental organizations, from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

"When disaster strikes anywhere in the world, families and entire communities have an overwhelming desire to learn the fate of their loved ones and to identify and mourn their dead," said Cheryl Katzmarzyk, an ICRC forensic expert. "Careful, ethical and comprehensive management of bodies is therefore a critical component of any disaster response."

Disaster responders in Pakistan have to deal with the consequences of a range of often complex emergencies. This course gave them an opportunity to share their experiences and acquire new skills. "Improper management of the dead can traumatize families and communities. During this course we learned very simple yet effective forensic collection procedures considering the needs of the bereaved families," said Dr Asad Ali Khan, director general of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Emergency Rescue Service1122. Similarly, Dr Asghar Khan, who has dealt with the death toll of many emergencies during his 17 years of service at Peshawar's Lady Reading Hospital, said "Given the number of casualties we regularly receive, this course will definitely help us to improve our existing methods of managing dead bodies."

The Peshawar course is the 10th national course run by the ICRC in Pakistan since 2010. These are organized to build local skills in this field. The ICRC aims to help the authorities and other organizations devise policies and coordinated procedures to ensure respectful and efficient management of the dead.

For more information, please contact:
Yasin Kamran, ICRC Peshawar, tel. +92 301 8561601
Najum ul Saqib, ICRC Islamabad, tel. +92 300 852 91 08